Workspot Webex Plugin
Workspot Webex Acceleration installs and manages the Cisco Webex VDI Plugin on the local Workspot Client device to give a better end-user experience for calls and meetings on the Workspot desktop.
Due to the lack of even graphics acceleration hardware and the “hairpin effect” of forwarding traffic from the remote desktop to the Client device, meetings over remote desktops tend to suffer from poor audio/visual quality and lags. The Webex Plugin takes care of this.
Once you configure the Webex plugin in Control, Control and the Client will install and update the Plugin on behalf of the end-user.
Webex Plugin management is currently available for the Workspot Windows Client.
Configuration in Workspot Control
The Webex Plugin is a standard Workspot feature. Configuring it is done in two places in Control:
In the Security Policy (“Policies > policyname > Protocol Settings”) associated with the desired group of users, click “Yes” on “Enable Webex Client Plugin.” This tells the Client to use the Plugin for calls and meetings on the Workspot desktop. Otherwise Webex doesn’t use the Plugin.
In “Users > Groups groupname” for the desired group of users. Click the “Install the Webex Client Plugin” box. This tells the Client to install and maintain the Plugin on the local device. This is optional if the Plugin is already present through other means.
Installation on the Client
Once configured, the Client will install the Plugin automatically, using the most recent version tested by Workspot. Installation requires Administrator permissions, and the Client user will see a Windows popup to grant them.
Installation-Time Disabling of Plugin Installation
You can inhibit Plugin installation, regardless of Control settings, on individual Client devices with the msiexec command-line option AUTOINSTALLWEBEXPLUGIN=0 when installing WorkspotClientSetup64.msi.
Installation on the Workspot Desktop
Installing Webex on the Workspot desktop is up to you: nothing about this process alters your Workspot templates or desktops.