Workspot Watch shows some events as Alarms on the Alarms page. These are events that may require administrative action.
Red: A Critical Alarm that should be investigated at once.
Amber: A Warning Alarm may require investigation.
Green: An Alarm that is resolved and no longer in effect but is kept in case further investigation is desired.
Connectivity Alarms
When a user faces issues while connecting to a Workspot desktop or app from a Workspot Client, a Connectivity Alarm appears on the Alarms Page.
The Alarms and their severity are based on standard RDP error codes and error severities. That is, all RDP codes that are normally defined as Critical are shown as Critical in Watch, and the same for Warning codes.
Common scenarios include:
Logging into the desktop with invalid credentials.
The gateway is available during login.
Logging in when no desktops are available in the pool.
Common RDP error codes include RDP 50331661, RDP 710, RDP 6, etc.
When the user connects to the desktop successfully after an earlier failure the connectivity Alarm is resolved and shown in green.
Unresolved connectivity Alarms are removed after 24 hours.
Desktop Alarms
Desktop Alarms appear on the Alarms Page when the Desktop enters one of these states:
Failed State
Resume Failed State
Pause Failed State
Error state.
When the desktop enters the Ready state the Desktop Alarm is resolved and its entry is shown in green.
All Desktop Alarms are classified as Critical.
Desktop Alarm Details
Here is a more detailed description of the Alarms and their recovery:
Desktop Failed State.
Alarm. While Provisioning a new desktop in the pool or adding desktops to an existing pool in Workspot Control, if the desktop provisioning (spinning up a new desktop in cloud) fails then Workspot Control shows the state of the desktop as Failed, then Watch receives this state update from Workspot Control and generates an Alarm under Desktop Category with severity as Critical.
Recovery. Desktops in Failed state due to Provisioning Failures in Workspot Control do not recover. The Alarm is removed when the Desktop (in Failed state) is deleted from Workspot Control.
Desktop Error State (Agent is offline).
Alarm. If the desktop is in Error state in Workspot Control (that is, Workspot Agent is Offline on the desktop), then Watch receives this state update from Workspot Control and generates an Alarm under Desktop Category with severity as Critical.
Recovery. When the user or the Workspot Control Admin performs a reboot on the desktop and desktop comes to ready state then Workspot Control will send a state update to Watch and the Critical alarm is marked as resolved and the Alarm transitions from Red to Green on the Alarms Page.
Pause Failed state (GCP).
Alarm. If the desktop is in Pause Failed state (i.e attempt to pause the desktop has failed), then Watch receives this state update from Workspot Control and generates an Alarm under Desktop Category with severity as Critical.
Recovery. Workspot Agent installed on the desktop will attempt to Pause the desktop based on the policy settings and if Pausing succeeds for the desktop, then Workspot Control will show the status of the desktop as Paused and this state is forwarded to Watch and the Critical alarm is marked as resolved and the Alarm transitions from Red to Green on the Alarms Page.
Resume Failed (GCP).
Alarm. For GCP Persistent desktops, when the user tries to connect to a desktop which was in Paused state and while trying to connect to the desktop, Resume fails then Workspot Control shows the state of the desktop as RESUME Failed state, then Watch receives this state update from Workspot Control and generates an Alarm under Desktop Category with severity as Critical.
Recovery. The Workspot admin will try to perform a reboot on the desktop and try to solve the issue and when the user connects to the same desktop which was earlier in RESUME Failed state successfully then Workspot Control will update the state of the desktop from RESUME Failed to Connected and this state is forwarded to Watch and the Critical alarm is marked as resolved and the Alarm transitions from Red to Green on the Alarms Page.
All Unresolved (RED) DESKTOP alarms are visible for a period of 30 days on the Alarms Page after which they are removed from the Alarms Page.
If the desktops for which Alarms are generated are deleted from Control, the corresponding entries on the Alarms Page are also deleted.
App Server Alarms
App Server Alarms are generated on the Alarms Page when the App Server is in Failed State or Error State as described below:
Failed State.
Alarm. While Provisioning a new App Server in the pool or adding App Servers to an existing pool in Workspot Control, if the App Server Provisioning (spinning up a new App Server in cloud) fails then Workspot Control shows the state of the App Server as Failed, then Watch receives this state update from Workspot Control and generates an Alarm under APP SERVER Category with severity as Critical.
Recovery. App Servers in Failed state due to Provisioning Failures in Workspot Control do not recover. The Alarm is removed when the App Server (in Failed state) is deleted from Workspot Control.
Error State.
Alarm. If the App Server is in Error state in Workspot Control (i.e. Workspot Agent is Offline on the desktop), then Watch receives this state update from Workspot Control and generates an Alarm under APP SERVER Category with severity as Critical.
Recovery. When the user or the Workspot Control Admin performs a reboot on the App Server and App Server comes to Ready state then Workspot Control will send a state update to Watch and the Critical alarm is marked as resolved and the Alarm transitions from Red to Green on the Alarms Page.
All Unresolved (RED) APP SERVER alarms are visible for a period of 30 days on the Alarms Page after which they are removed from the Alarms Page.
When the App Server for which Alarms are generated is deleted from Control, the corresponding Alarms are also deleted.
Managed Gateway Alarms
Alarm Condition | Error Code | Error Type | Meaning |
Gateway Agent is offline (Error) and Gateway Mode is Enabled | Gateway-AO | Gateway State is 'Error' as 'Agent is Offline | Gateway mode is Enabled and Gateway state has remained in the Rebooting state. |
Gateway is in Failed state. | Gateway-F | Gateway State is 'Failed' | The Gateway is in the Failed state. |
Gateway Unregistered and Gateway Mode is Enabled | Gateway-AUR | Gateway State is 'Error' as 'Agent is not registered | Gateway Mode is Enabled but its Agent has not connected (Agent Reregistration should resolve the condition). |
Gateway is in Maintenance mode for 48 hours. | Gateway-M | Gateway Mode is 'Maintenance' for more than 48 hours | Maintenance Mode is not supposed to last this long. Changing the Gateway Mode to Enabled should resolve this condition. |
Gateway Patch Age is more than 60 days And Gateway Mode is Enabled | Gateway-PAG | Gateway Patch Age is more than 60 days | User updated the Patch on the Gateway, but the patch age is greater than 60 days. |
Gateway Certificate Expires in 30 days and Gateway Mode is Enabled | Gateway-CEX | Gateway Certificate expires in 30 days | User updated the Certificate on the Gateway but the Certificate Expiry Date is less than 30 days in the future. |
Gateway CPU or Memory exceeds critical threshold | Gateway-Perf | — | CPU or memory exceeds the threshold. |
Gateway Network exceeds RTT threshold | Gateway-Network | — | RTT exceeds the threshold. |
Enterprise Connector Alarms
Alarm Condition | Error Code | Error Type | Meaning |
Enterprise Connector is Offline | Connector-CO | Enterprise Connector is in Offline state | Connector is not connected to Control. |
Enterprise Connector HA is not available | Connector-MCO | Multiple Enterprise Connectors are in Offline state | This is applicable when there are at least three Connectors but only one is connected. The condition clears when the number of offline Connectors drops to one. |
All Enterprise Connectors are Offline | Connector-ACO | All Enterprise Connectors are in Offline state | Multiple Connectors are defined but none are connected. |
Other Alarms
User Experience Alarms and VM Performance Alarms are not propagated to the Alarms page but are shown on the Trace page.
User Experience Alarms
User Experience surveys generate Alarms as follows:
When the user provides a rating of 1-2 stars as part of the user survey shown on the Workspot Client, then watch receives this rating from Workspot Client and generates an Alarm under USER_EXP Category with severity as Critical.
When the user provides a rating of 3 stars, as part of the user survey shown on the Workspot Client, then watch receives this rating from Workspot Client and generates an Alarm under USER_EXP Category with severity as Warning
User Experience Alarms do not transition from Red to Green.
Watch Admins work with the End Users with the details provided in the USER_EXP alarms in order to solve the issues they are facing to improve their user experience. These Alarms are removed from the Alarms page automatically after 30 days.
VM Performance Alarm
VM Performance Alarms occur when the CPU or Memory usage exceed the threshold values. The Current threshold values are:
CPU: 85%
Memory: 85%.
The Alarms are generated as follows:
Alarm. If the CPU or memory usage on the desktop exceeds the threshold, then Workspot Agent installed on the desktop forwards this information to Watch and and generates a Critical Alarm on the Trace page
Recovery. Once both CPU and Memory usage fall below the threshold i.e less than 85%, the VM Performance Alarm is resolved and transitions from Red to Green on the Trace Page.
Network Alarm
Network Alarms are based on the network latency (round-trip-time or RTT) of the connection:
Alarm. When the RTT exceeds 100 ms while they are trying to make a connection to the desktop using Workspot Client on the local device (i.e Windows machine, chromebook, webapp, Mac etc), then Watch receives the Network RTT details from the Workspot Client and generates a Critical Alarm on the Trace page.
Recovery. Once the Network strength on the local device from where Workspot Client is accessed improves and RTT gets better i.e. below 100 ms, then Network Alarm is resolved and transitions from Red to Green on the Trace Page.