Postman is a popular tool with our customers for interacting with APIs. This article will help you to configure Postman to use the Workspot Control API.
Administrative access to Workspot Control.
Workspot API feature should be enabled.
Configure Postman
Create a free Postman account at if you don’t have one already.
Login to Postman
Go to “My Workspace”:
Click on “Collections” from the left pane and click on “+” to Create a new collection.
Select “Blank Collection” and give the new collection a name, such as “Workspot”:
Click on “…” and then “Add request,” and give a name to the request, such as “LicenseInfo.”
On the right side a section will open with Params, Authorization Headers, and other Tabs. Click on the Authorization tab and select OAuth2.0:
Go to the Configure New Token section and provide the required details:
Enter a convenient name in the Token Name field
Select “Grant Type” as “Password Credentials”
Set the “Access Token URL” to the contents of the “URL” field shown on Workspot Control’s “Setup > API” page (shown below).
Set the “Client ID” field to the contents of the “Client ID” field of Control’s “Setup > API” page.
Set the “Client Secret” field to the contents of the “Client Secret” field of Control’s “Setup > API” page (click the “Reveal” button to show the full Client Secret).
Enter the email (username) and password of a Workspot Control Administrator.
Click “Get New Access Token.”
Click “Use Token.”
Note: The token will remain valid for 60 minutes, after which you need to click “Get New Access Token” and “Use Token” again.
Example of Using the Workspot Control API
In a browser, go to the Workspot Control API: for customers with Control deployments in the EU region. for customers with Control deployments in the US region.
From the Control API, capture the appropriate commands to paste into Postman:
Click on “api-controller” to see the list of API commands:
To get the request URL, Click “Try Out” and then “Execute.”
Copy the Request URL, paste it into the Postman, and click on Send.
Postman will send the request with the appropriate credentials for your Workspot deployment
The API will send the response, which will be displayed in the Body section as shown below: