Workspot Q & A
Q: Which ciphers are used for the virtual session, how is it enforced, and which ports uses which ciphers?
A: On Managed Gateways, the Gateway Agent ensures these ciphers are enabled in this order:

For standalone Gateways, please refer to
Q: Which ciphers are disabled?
A: On Managed Gateways, the Gateway Agent ensures these ciphers are disabled:
1. SSL 2.0
2. SSL 3.0
3. TLS 1.0
4. TLS 1.1
5. NULL Cipher Suites is Disabled
6. DES Cipher Suites is Disabled
7. RC4 Cipher Suites is Disabled
8. AES 128/128 Cipher Suite is Disabled
For standalone Gateways, please refer to