Passthrough Authentication Using the FIDO2/Yubikey Protocol

by Robert Plamondon

Last updated on January 2, 2024

With passthrough authentication, a hardware authentication key using the FIDO2 protocol, such as YubiKey, can be used on the local Client device to authenticate applications running on the remote Workspot desktop or applications. This feature is currently supported on the Workspot Windows Client.

Supported Operating Systems

  • Client Devices: Windows 10 and Windows 11.

  • Workspot Desktops on Windows 10 with 2022-09 Cumulative Updates for Windows 10 Preview (KB5017380) or later.

  • Workspot Desktops on Windows 11 with 2022-09 Cumulative Updates for Windows 11 Preview (KB5017383) or later.

  • Workspot Applications on RD Pool servers with Windows Server 2022 and 2022-09 Cumulative Update for Microsoft server operating system preview (KB5017381) or later installed.


The feature is enabled or disabled in the Protocol Settings section of Workspot Control Security Policies as shown below.


To test the installation, launch a Web site on the Workspot desktop that requires YubiKey/FIDO2 authentication. Authentication should proceed as if you had used the browser on your local system.