Released on January 10, 2025.
Support for Android 15.
Control administrators can now request Client logs directly with the “Get Client Logs” button in “Users > username > Active Devices > Details.” The request is queued and the logs are uploaded when the user signs in if they aren’t signed in already. The request expires after seven days.
The Client now reports when a user's attempt to reboot a Workspot desktop has failed.
Support for multiple Control instances and data sovereignty and to enhance scalability.
The Client sends additional monitoring/debugging details for use by Workspot Watch: the Workspot policies in force, and the end-user's Client settings.
Support for the RDP protocol's Dynamic Virtual Channels for greater flexibility in communication between the Client and remote system.
Additional event details are sent to Control and Watch.
Security improvements.
System Requirements
Android 12-15 and Dex.
Production Versions
The Client typically auto-updates from the Google Play store once the update is released.
To update manually, go to the Google Play Store.
Under "About This App" in the Play Store page, verify that it is the version you are expecting.
Install the version normally.
Beta Versions
Between the Beta and Production releases, the Beta version is available in the Google Play Store.
To Enroll in the Beta Program:
On your Android device, go to the Workspot Client page in the Google Play Store.
If you are already enrolled in the Beta program, the page title will read, "Workspot (Beta)."
If you are not already enrolled in the Beta program, the page title will read "Workspot."
Scroll down to the "Join the beta" section of the app page and press the "Join" button.
Known Issues
Disabling screen sharing isn’t effective with some Client-side (not Cloud-side) popup windows. These will be shown regardless of the setting.
When you change the setting of “Enable Screen Sharing” in Control, it doesn’t take effect until the next time the Client is launched.
Sometimes the notification on the Client device that screen sharing is disabled is not visible.
When a power-managed desktop resumes from sleep, the connection may time out prematurely with the error "There was a problem starting your desktop. Please contact your administrator." The end-user should retry the connection before contacting the administrator, since this usually works.
With Workspot Web Apps, the Client ignores any URLs the administrator has added to Control's URL blacklist, allowing access to these sites.
Copy and paste are always enabled in Workspot Web Apps, regardless of the setting of "Allow Copy and Paste" in Control's Security Policies. Workaround: Deny access to Web Apps to users you want to prevent from Copy/Pasting.
The Client reports "Text Copied" not just when text is copied, but also when it is pasted.
Data copied from applications that provide formatted data only in RTF format (usually Windows applications) will be pasted as plain text in applications that don't support RTF. Workaround: Save or export the data to a file instead, using a format supported by both applications.
Data provided in RTF format by a Windows application may have a noticeable delay before being pasted locally. This is due to the Client having to request that the data be supplied again in a locally supported format (such as HTML).
The Android clipboard does not support complex HTML constructs such as tables. HTML tags such as <table> and <td> are rendered as plain text.
If you disable and then re-enable Samsung Dex while the Client is open, the Client crashes and must be relaunched.
Sometimes, when downloading large files, an ‘ApplicationNotResponding’ popup appears. Workaround: Select the “Close” option and relaunch.
When disconnecting from a RAILS application, a blank screen is shown for several seconds while the connection closes.
It is occasionally possible to crash the Client by typing characters as quickly as possible, without any pauses, on the Android on-screen keyboard. This usually requires at least a couple of hundred keystrokes.
When locking/unlocking a connected desktop, the screen is not resized.
The remote application cursor and the Workspot Client cursor are briefly visible at the same time when connecting or reconnecting to a Workspot desktop or app, or when the Client is locked or unlocked.
RAIL apps, once minimized in zoom mode, do not restore.
When listing applications in the application switcher, the same RAIL app may be listed more than once.