GCP VM Pause Failure Alarms with Error ‘Unsupported_Operation’


A GCP VM with pause resume enabled failed to pause with an unsupported operation error. 

If the VM is not paused in a GCP Desktop pool with Pause Resume enabled, it will remain running, causing the node to be kept in GCP 24/7 and incurring costs.

Workspot Support monitors and identifies the Pause failed Alarms in the Watch monitoring tool as below.

  • Alarm: Pause Failed 

  • Message for the Alarm: The error happened while pausing the desktop. 

  • Details of the Error: Unsupported operation Instance suspend failed due to guest timeout. 

From GCP Console: 

The events where the instance failed to suspend with an ‘Unsupported_Operation’ Error. 

The detailed status of the Error is ‘Instance suspend failed due to guest timeout’. 


You can not suspend (Pause) a Windows VM when the display timeout is set or the sleep button is disabled. A Windows VM with a power policy set to high performance and display timeout set to a value greater than 0 may turn off the display after the timeout. 

When a suspend request is sent to a VM where the display was turned off, the suspend request restarts the display instead of suspending the VM. 


To resolve this issue, do the following: Logon to the virtual machine that failed to pause, open the command prompt with Administrator privileges, and run the following commands: 

  1. Disable the display timeout using the following command: 

powercfg /change monitor-timeout-ac 0 

  1. Enable the sleep button using the following command: 

powercfg -setacvalueindex SCHEME_CURRENT 4f971e89-eebd-4455-a8de-9e59040e7347 96996bc0-ad50-47ec-923b-6f41874dd9eb 1 

To verify the Pause functionality, disconnect/logout from the VM and then manually initiate a Pause Action from the Control. 

The status of the VM will appear as Paused if it has been successfully Paused. 

The following GCP troubleshooting document can be used to troubleshoot suspend issues:
