Create a Domain Peer with a Customer using Managed AD in GCP

Managed AD Customer

  • Customer creates Managed AD Domain in GCP (Their own Project)

  • VPC Peer between the two projects

Create a Domain Peer


Enable the following API’s. This process is done on both projects, customer’s and Workspot.

  • Managed Microsoft AD

  • Cloud DNS

  • Compute Engine APIs

Configure domain peering

Run the same command on both projects.

gcloud active-directory peerings create PEERING-RESOURCE-NAME \

--domain=DOMAIN-NAME  \



gcloud active-directory peerings create sstp-workspot-managed-ad-peer --domain=projects/[customer project ID]/locations/global/domains/[customer’s domain name] --authorized-network=projects/[workspot’s customer project ID]/global/networks/[Workspot network name]

gcloud active-directory peerings create sstp-workspot-managed-ad-peer --domain=projects/proven-mercury-338020/locations/global/domains/ --authorized-network=projects/sixth-street-335719/global/networks/vpc-workspot

Check if peer is connected by running the following command:

gcloud active-directory peerings list

you should get a confirmation like this:

PEERING_NAME: sstp-workspot-managed-ad-peer

DOMAIN_NAME: projects/proven-mercury-338020/locations/global/domains/

AUTHORIZED_NETWORK: projects/sixth-street-335719/global/networks/vpc-workspot


CREATE_TIME: 2022-03-29T21:07:46

You should now be able to join devices to the customer’s domain.


If customer cannot reach Workspot VM’s. check that the email domain and AD domain are linked. If they’re not. Then have customer connect with Managed AD credentials. For the FTU of the WS Client, use username@managedaddomain and then use Active Directory credentials to authenticate.