Creating Virtual Machine in Azure:
Creating a VM:
Go to Azure Portal
Navigate to the Virtual Machines Page & Click on Create and select the below option

On the “Create a Virtual Machine” page, Under the Basics Tab:
Select the required Subscription.
Select the Resource Group based on the requirement.

For ex: if we are creating for Production environment select “Workspot-RG”
Give “Virtual machine name”.
Select the Required Region
Availability Options leave the default value.

Select “Security Type” as <Trusted Launch Virtual Machines> this is a mandatory step while creating a VM on Win11 OS uses Managed Disks implicitly with this.
Select “Image” as Windows 11 Pro/Windows 11 Enterprise in Marketplace
For Azure Windows 11 we are supporting both 21H2 & 22H2 (version) images
VM Architecture should be set to “X64” (64 - Bit)
Select “Size” – select the required VM size <Gen2> supported for Win 11
For the “Administrator Account”
Username: <username>
Password: < **********>
Confirm password: <***********>
Inbound Port Rules
Public inbound ports “Allow Selected port” radio button should be selected
Select inbound ports <“ HTTP”, “HTTPS”, “RDP” >should be selected
Select this check box “I confirm I have an eligible Windows 10/11 license with multi-tenant hosting rights.”
Click on Next: Disks>
Select the required <OS disk>
OS Disk type: <Premium SSD/Standard SSD/Standard HDD>
Keep the remaining options as Default.
Click on Next: Networking
Networking Tab
In the “Network interface” <select Virtual network >
Public IP Should be selected as “None”.
Keep option “Basic” for “NIC network security group”.
Public inbound ports: All selected ports
Select inbound ports: HTTP, HTTPS & RDP
Click on Next: Management >
Management Tab
keep all default settings.
Click on Next: Monitoring.
Monitoring Tab
keep all default settings.
Click on Next: Advance.
Advance Tab
keep all default settings.
Click on Next: Tags.
Tags Tab
keep all default settings.
Click on Next: Review+create.
Review+ Create Tab
After successfully giving “Validation Passed” is observed
Click on Create
After successful creation of the VM, navigate to the VM Overview Page and copy the Private IP address under Networking.
Installing Agent in VM:
Connect VM using MSTSC (RDP) install Workspot agent and register to the required control account.
Steps for Agent installation:
Download the Agent from and install it with the path in the command prompt in Administrative Mode
Please refer to the below link for details:workspot-desktop-agent-installation-and-configuration
Complete the Agent Installation by giving the control admin credentials.
Copy the Workspotconfig file.
Place the file in C:\Programdata\WorkspotAgent\config.
Open C:\Programfiles\WorkspotAgent
Left-click on workspotConfigEditor and open it in admin mode.
After filling in the Service Domain, Service Username, and Service Password, click on Test Secure Credentials
Then fill in the Admin Domain, Admin Username, and Admin Password and click submit
After successful submission close the WorkspotConfig Editor
After successful installation of Agent, Go to Azure Console and stop the VM
Creating Azure Compute Gallery
If there is no Gallery available in the required Resource Group, if there is an existing Gallery available in the Resource Group, we can directly go Add VM image Definition step>
Navigate to Azure Compute Gallery in Azure Console, Click on Create

Basics Tab
Select the required subscription.
Select the valid Resource group.
Select Instance details.
Name: Give a name for the Gallery
Region: select the required region
Description: add details of the VM for reference
Click on Next: Sharing >
Sharing Tab
Select Sharing Method as “Role-based access control (RBAC)”
Click on Next: Tags >
Tags Tab
keep all default settings.
Click on Next: Review + Create.
Review + Create Tab
After successfully giving “Validation Passed” is observed
Click on Create
Add VM Image Definition in Gallery
Once the Gallery image is created click on Gallery, the overview page will be opened
Click on Add
VM Image definition
VM Application definition

Click on VM Image definition..
Basics Tab
Project details
Subscription: Should be prepopulated from Gallery.
Resource Group: Should be prepopulated from Gallery.
Under Instance details Region: Select the valid region.
VM image definition details:
Target Azure compute gallery: Gallery name should be prepopulated.
VM image definition name: <Enter name> The name that has been given here will show up in Control while performing the Register Template operation.
OS type: Windows
Security Type: select “Trusted Launch”
VM Generation: “Gen2”
OS state: Select “Specialized”.
VM Architecture: Select “x64”
Publisher: Add details for reference here
Offer: Add details for reference here
SKU: Add details for reference here.
Click on Next: Versions >
Versions Tab
Version name: enter <1.0.0>
Region: Select the region where the VM has been created and registered to control (Agent installed)
OS Disk: Select the created VM instance OS Disk in the drop-down menu.
Replication: Add the Replication count here; the Default value will be ‘1’ The maximum replication count we can add is 10. Note that increasing the replication count will incur more COGS.
Click Next: Publishing Options: leave all the default settings.
Publishing Options Tab
keep all default settings.
Click on Next: Tags
Tags Tab
keep all default settings.
Click on Next: Review Create
Review + Create Tab
After successfully giving “Validation Passed” is observed
Click on Create
VM Image definition will be created successfully.
Adding “mac_address”, vm_size to VM Image Definition
Navigate to the VM which is created in Create a Virtual Machine in Azure
Open the Overview page of the Stopped VM
Click on the Networking bar under Settings in the overview page

Open Network interface
Navigate to ‘Properties’ under Settings

Copy the “MAC address”
Open the overview page of VM Image definition Which is created in ‘step – 2’ in <Add VM image Definition>
Navigate to the Definitions tab and click on the <VM image definition>
Open the 1.0.0(latest version) under the versions tab on the overview page of the VM Image definition.
VM Image Version overview page will open.
Click on tags (Edit) Edit tag slider will appear.

In the name field add “mac_address” and in the value field paste the MAC address which is already copied (from the 6th point)
Add another tag vm_size. A tag value is the VM size used to create the source VM. In control when this template is cloned, control uses the vm size in the tag to create a cloned template vm. Azure doesn’t store source VM size in the image definition, so we are using tags to save this.

Register Template in Workspot Control
Login to Control
Navigate to Setup Tab
Under the Cloud tab select the required Azure cloud Subscription to register the template
The Manage subscription page will open and click on the “Register Template” Button
Add Template popup will appear.
Click on the “Windows 10/11 (Azure Gallery Image)” radio button.
Select the required resource group under – Select Resource Group – dropdown.
Perform a Blank search or Full/partial search with the “VM Image Definition” name.
Click on the appeared < VM Image Definition >name and save.
New template will be added successfully.
Check the corresponding Control Events